A selection of M&V 'Joshua Pierce' articles
CD Spotlight. A Certain Affinity - Extraordinary violin sonatas, recommended by Gerald Fenech. 'Auerbach and Pierce give scintillating performances throughout ...'
CD Spotlight. Beautifully Presented - Vocal music by Vincent Persichetti, enjoyed by Geoff Pearce. 'Both singers are fine and expressive, accurately expressing the emotional content of each song.'
CD Spotlight. Very Pleasing - J S Bach, Haydn and Mendelssohn keyboard concertos, heard by Geoff Pearce. '... beautifully played ...'
CD Spotlight. Somehow Different - Joshua Pierce's tribute to John Cage, recommended by Ron Bierman. '... either hypnotic or annoyingly eccentric.'
CD Spotlight. Positively Spellbinding - Music for clarinet, piano and cello, enjoyed by Howard Smith. '... a fine recording ...'
CD Spotlight. Lightness of Touch - Brahms and Strauss, heard by Patric Standford. '... a very fine performance by Joshua Pierce ...'
CD Spotlight. Uncharted Waters - Joshua Pierce plays Schubert, heard by Robert Anderson. '... sensitive pianism ...'
CD Spotlight. Glittering Technique - Music by Gershwin for piano and orchestra, reviewed by Howard Smith. '... commendable drive and clarity.'
Record Box. Curious and Evocative - Quarter-tone keyboard music played by Joshua Pierce, reviewed by Patric Standford
Record Box. Enterprising Recordings - Music for piano and orchestra, reviewed by Patric Standford
Record box. Grandeur and Impulsiveness - Joshua Pierce's recording of Brahms' second piano concerto, reviewed by Alice McVeigh