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A selection of M&V 'arrangement' articles

CD Spotlight. Composer's Authority? - J S Bach transcribed for guitar, heard by Robert Anderson. '... consummate skill ...'

Ensemble. The Wizard from Oz - David Arditti attends a celebration for the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Percy Grainger

Ensemble. Consummate Artistry - The Israel Piano Trio, heard by Bill Newman

Ensemble. A Spirited Performance - Mike Wheeler listens to Voices and the Derby Concert Orchestra

Majesty, Moment and Control - Ben Bloor's concluding recital for Derby Cathedral's 2010 summer organ series impresses Tony Westerman

CD Spotlight. An Ideal Exponent - Eniko Magyar plays English viola music, recommended by Gerald Fenech. '... beautifully executed and superbly recorded ...'

CD Spotlight. A Shattered Mirror - Paganini caprices arranged for string quartet, heard by Howard Smith. '... technically cluttered.'

Ensemble. Vividly Characterised - Mike Wheeler listens to the Sitwell Singers

Slaying 'The Dragon' - Carolyn Ellis writes about her battle with Gershwin and the metronome

CD Spotlight. Irresistible Enjoyment - Music by Mozart and Mendelssohn, heard by Howard Smith. '... a truly idiomatic performance ...'

CD Spotlight. Forever Challenging - Symphonies by Leif Kayser, heard by Patric Standford. '... his ingenious inventiveness continues to impress.'

CD Spotlight. Impeccable Technique - Beethoven's middle string quartets, heard by Robert Anderson. 'The outer movements induce some grinding of teeth.'

CD Spotlight. Formidable Pianism - Beethoven arranged by Liszt, heard by Robert Anderson


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