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Boris Pergamenschikow

The Kronberg Academy in Germany has established a new scholarship in memory of Boris Pergamenschikow, the famous Russian cellist who died on 30 April 2004 and who lived and worked in Germany. There are plans to award the scholarship/grant biannually, as part of the cello master classes at the academy, with the first scholarship being awarded during the cello masterclasses in October 2004.

The regular award of the Pergamenschikow grant/scholarship to promising young cellists is designed to honour the memory of Pergamenschikow's pedagogical work, musical life and his tireless drive to assist others, especially young musicians, in their own musical endeavours. As the academy reports, Pergamenschikow was a teacher who always looked to bring out his students' talents and sought to help them in the best possible manner while leaving financial considerations aside. In this spirit, the grant/scholarship will be awarded to young and talented cellists whose financial circumstances might otherwise hinder or weaken their chances of receiving a good musical education.

In order to establish the Pergamenschikow memorial scholarship as a permanent fixture in their program, the Kronberg Academy needs to establish a fund of 120,000 euros. Part of this fund will be raised through concerts given by former Pergamenschikow students, but the academy is currently also looking for outside donations to help reach its target. Donations, which are tax deductible, should be sent to the special bank account of the Kronenberg Academy in Germany: Sonderkonto: 55 007 284, Taunus Sparkasse Kronberg, BLZ 512 500 00.


Posted: 27 August 2004

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