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A selection of M&V 'novel' articles

Ensemble. A Wonderful Rendition - Donizetti's 'Lucia di Lammermoor', enjoyed by Maria Nockin

Ensemble. Full of Irony - Shostakovich's 'The Nose', reviewed by Giuseppe Pennisi

Ensemble. Mediterranean Splendour - Dancing to Bizet's 'L'Arlésienne' and 'Carmen', by Giuseppe Pennisi

CD Spotlight. Great Purity - Performances by Deborah Roberts and friends, heard by Patric Standford. '... a recording to be treasured ...'

CD Spotlight. Clear Tonal Focus - Music for cello and piano by Krzysztof Meyer, recommended by Patric Standford. '... fine playing ...'

Ensemble. Young Eroticism in the Third French Republic - Massenet's 'Manon' returns to Rome, reviewed by Giuseppe Pennisi

Ensemble. A Masterly Performance - Massenet's 'Werther' on the psychotherapist's couch, by Giuseppe Pennisi

Ensemble. Major Delights - 'La traviata' from San Diego Opera, reviewed by Maria Nockin

Ensemble. Consummate Skill - 'Hamlet' by Ambroise Thomas, heard by Maria Nockin

Ensemble. A New Dimension - Giuseppe Pennisi reports that chamber opera is alive and well

Ensemble. A Standout Production - New Zealand Opera's 'Eugene Onegin' impresses Howard Smith

Arts and the Colour of Politics - Béla Hartmann muses on growing social equality and democratization

While the music lasts - Kelly Ferjutz enjoys Alice McVeigh's musical novel


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