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A selection of M&V 'silence' articles

Ensemble. Indulging in Forbidden Consecutives - Mastersingers at the BBC Proms, reviewed by Robert Anderson

CD Spotlight. Cosmic Distance - Choral music from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, recommended by George Balcombe. '... such clarity ...'

CD Spotlight. A Must-have - Piano music by Federico Mompou, recommended by Natalie Artemas-Polak. 'Haskell Small's contemplative approach admirably suits these pieces ...'

CD Spotlight. Sacrificing the 'unmodern' - Music by Julius Röntgen and Per Nørgård, heard by George Balcombe. 'How could any audience resist ... ?'

The Philosophy of Absence - Jennifer Paull investigates four releases of Cage's Number Pieces

Ensemble. Unity of Conception - Malcolm Troup was at the BPSE Summer Festival in London

Ensemble. True Artistry - Howard Smith attends New Zealand's Music Fair of Japan 2009

Ensemble. Thought-provoking - Music by Harle and Maxwell Davies, heard by Malcolm Miller

Ensemble. Gloriously Colourful - The British Society of Music Therapy looks back, with Margaret Campbell

Book review: Eloquent Insights - A listeners' guide to the music of Haydn, reviewed by Anna Franco

Editorial musings with Basil Ramsey. The use of abuse - Struggling for silence.


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