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Editorial Musings with Basil Ramsey

The use of abuse


Struggling for silence


It is pointless to remark the size and complexity of the world of music here in the opening years of the 21st century. Nonetheless, such an intricate network of musicians and its accompanying army of admin has deep penetration, and nobody in the civilised world can claim ignorance of the motivated sounds that pour upon us in an unceasing torrent. It is well to remember that every bar of music publicly performed live or committed to disc arises from the efforts of this army. Despite outbursts of gloom within the ranks, music has, in a way, got the upper hand, and I cannot imagine even a furious music-hater having the slightest effect upon a world that now echos and re-echoes to hordes of singers and players.

I am my own worst enemy by allowing a constant trickle of music to my environment for much of the day, with only occasional patches of silence. Much as I need and appreciate the quality of silence I have yet to truthfully forgo music as a deliberate act of will on a regular basis. This weakness, I suspect, is pretty widespread, but only because music has become a public utility switched on and off as a habit. If we could hear music only after an exhausting sequence of preludial actions I am sure it would suffer neglect. That, on reflection, would allow us time to rethink our abuse of music as little more than a time-filler. Or would we slip on a record whilst we dreamily gave it some thought?


Copyright © 2 May 2002 Basil Ramsey, Eastwood, Essex, UK



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