<< -- 5 -- Jabez Dolotz TAMING THE LION

HCB: It's all based on the fact that there are certain physiological differences between you
and me, which make this particular party trick very easy for me, whereas most other conductors
would find this very difficult to accomplish. I think you'll see what I mean if you look at
my photo below. It probably all seems a little crazy to you, but you should ask my friends
the octopus and the giraffe about their conducting skills ...

Sir Henry Collard-Barker
(And at this point, with a flash of black tail disappearing into the bushes, I knew
that the music, and our conversation, were over.)
Copyright © 1 April 2006
Jabez Dolotz, Isle of Dogs, London UK
Neither the author Jabez Dolotz nor the central character, conductor Sir Henry Collard-Barker, really exist, of course, and this 2006 April fools' joke, the author and his canine interviewee were all, in fact, the result of a collaboration between the late George Henry Balcombe (1927-2015) and Keith Bramich.