<< -- 4 -- Jabez Dolotz TAMING THE LION

JD: We gather that you're a Music & Vision fan? You found us online and asked for
an interview?
HCB: Yes, but I've been reading your publication for years. Absolutely fascinating
magazine. My all-time favourite article has to be that one about The Lost Pipers of Iasi!
JD: You mentioned having problems sometimes with members of the audience leaving your concerts
during the music?
HCB: Unfortunately, music, in general, is less interesting to listen to than to perform.
This is something you'll never get concert promoters to admit, but it's a sad fact. And of
course, conducting a concert is much more interesting than playing in one, which is why so
many people study conducting these days. But the audience, poor dears, especially when
sat at the back of the hall, can have a really rough time of it. Often they fall asleep,
or talk to friends on their mobile phones, which bores them, and so they simply leave.
JD: What's the truth behind this press quote about you 'conducting like a dog?'
(Throughout our conversation, Collard-Barker's replies had appeared on my screen pretty
instantly, but at this point I noticed a delay. When it became obvious that Sir Henry
wasn't going to answer, I asked another question:)
JD: What about your unconventional behaviour on the podium? Is it true that you conduct facing
the audience, not the orchestra?
HCB: This is just my little party piece. And in any case, it's fascinating looking
at the audience, to see how they respond to particular elements in
the music.
JD: Can you be more specific about how you achieve this? Is it really some kind of trick?
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Copyright © 1 April 2006
Jabez Dolotz, Isle of Dogs, London UK