<< -- 3 -- Robert Anderson RADIANCE OF RECONCILIATION

The emotional upsets of Act 3 take place against a background of steadily falling
snow, wonderfully suggested by Puccini as the scavengers shiver before being admitted
into the city at the customs post; Musetta is in a nearby tavern
[listen -- Quadro Terzo, La barriera d'Enfer].
This is no place for Mimi and her coughing fits, but she wants to confide in Marcello
the unreasonable jealousy of Rodolfo that has caused their break-up. Marcello tells her
that Rodolfo has slept in the tavern. It is difficult not to admire Zeffirelli's
conjuring of a bleak February morning, but he is merciless with his endless supply
of outsize snowflakes that can only confirm the ruin of Mimi's health as she agrees
to a final parting from Rodolfo, which is immediately revoked
[listen -- Quadro Terzo, La barriera d'Enfer].
Back in what is again a bachelor garret, Rodolfo and Marcello are trying to write
and paint; but the one has seen Musetta dressed to the nines in a carriage, while the
other caught a glimpse of Mimi splendid in the Viscount's equipage. An unsuccessful
attempt at Bohemian jollification is interrupted by the arrival of Musetta with Mimi,
who could hardly drag herself up the stairs. It is obvious Mimi is dying. Musetta sells
earrings for medicine, Colline the second-hand coat for a doctor. Finally Mimi in
extremity recapitulates the music of her love for Rodolfo
[listen -- Quadro Quarto, In Soffitta].
It remains for Zeffirelli to stage Mimi's death in such a way it is almost impossible
not to weep, were it not that Puccini is so determined we should.
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Copyright © 23 December 2004
Robert Anderson, London UK