<< -- 3 -- Rex Harley ABSOLUTE CLARITY
First is the absolute clarity of the soundworld he creates. To make a
picturesque analogy, for me it is like the moment when, after several years
of deteriorating eyesight I finally received my first pair of glasses. It
was autumn, and the trees were bare. Suddenly I could see every twig on
every branch. Not that this diminished my sense of the complete tree: I
was simultaneously aware of the myriad parts and magnificent whole. So it
is with Gould. Others have referred to his providing 'an x-ray of the
music', a conceit beautifully exploited in the film 32 Short Films
About Glenn Gould, in which the pianist himself is presented in x-ray,
intercut with the internal workings of the piano.
Second, though he takes liberties with tempi, there is always a keen
logic behind the act. This is nicely evidenced by the Sinfonia in F Minor,
which, because he has rearranged the normal sequence, is the final track
on the CD. By slowing it down, albeit slightly, the music is suddenly exposed
as spare to the point of minimalism; the passing dissonances hover in an
air that feels positively glacial. When it ends, you feel there is no more
to be said, nowhere else to go. As French psychologist and musicologist
Michel Schneider wrote: 'With Gould it is not his fingers that bind
the notes together but what he is thinking.'
What he thinks can, at times, take the listener into some disturbing
places; so, thirdly, he constantly gives the lie to those who conceive Bach's
creations as a kind of 'musical knitting', cutting to the emotional
heart of the work like a surgeon. Part of Gould's achievement is that
his refusal to use the sustaining pedal puts the guts back into Bach. Crisp;
dynamic; even detached. And if that means throwing away Bach's own
legato slurs -- so be it. There are times when the purist will feel that
the disclaimer -- 'Bach arranged Gould' -- is in order. There
are even those, perversely, who have regarded what they hear as 'monotonous'.
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Copyright © 25 December 2002
Rex Harley, Cardiff, UK