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The Rags of Time

BASIL RAMSEY lingers over the delights of seventeenth century lute songs and dances

harmonia mundi    HMU 907257

The Rags of Time. 17th century English lute songs and dances. © 2002 harmonia mundi usa

This pleasurable disc enshrines 26 tracks of seventeenth century lute songs and dances. Paul Hillier as singer and reader has chosen from his understanding of the period. Also, a significant feature [listen -- track 2, 0:27-1:22] is a selection of John Donne's poems impeccably spoken, enlarging the attraction of this survey of illustrious words and music.

The record pivots on the art of Hillier's knowledge and interpretation of the incomparable English lute song. I have lingered over these delights for several weeks, and it will continue!

Nigel North accompanies suitably on lute, theorbo or guitar. The two performers [listen -- track 20, 0:01-0:53] create an atmosphere that draws the music into a credible period style, entirely acceptable and delightful.

Copyright © 21 December 2002 Basil Ramsey, Eastwood, Essex, UK


The Rags of Time - 17th century English lute songs and dances

HMU 907257 NEW RELEASE 64'51" 2002 harmonia mundi usa

Paul Hillier, voice; Nigel North, lute, theorbo, guitar

Anon: Sweetest love I do not goe; The Sunne Rising (spoken); Henry Lawes (Anon): Sweet stay a while; William Corkine: Break of day (1612); The good-morrow (spoken); John Wilson: Wherefore peep'st thou; Anon: John come kiss me now (lute solo); Anon: Goe and catch a fallinge star; The Flea (spoken); Alfonso Ferrabosco: The Expiration; The Apparition (spoken); Robert Johnson: The Noble man (lute solo); John Hilton: Wilt thou forgive that sinne; R Johnson: Pavan (lute solo); The triple Foole (spoken) (mostly to poems by John Donne, 1572-1631); H Lawes: Love's Sweet Repose; William Lawes: Love's Flattery; F Corbetta: Chaconne in D (guitar solo); W Lawes (R Herrick): Gather ye rosebuds while ye may; H Lawes (E Waller): The Rose; J Wilson: Prelude in A minor (theorbo solo); H Lawes (E Waller): The Selfe Banished; J Wilson: Prelude in F (theorbo solo); J Wilson (Anon): Peace, mutt'ring thoughts; J Wilson: Prelude in B flat (theorbo solo); H Lawes (Anon): Have you e'er seen the morning sun



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