<< -- 2 -- Robert Anderson VARIABLE SONORITIES

Chopin was described on that occasion in the Gazette musicale
as 'the Ariel of pianists'. By now Chopin was physically a shadow of himself;
but it was not just lack of strength that made him play forte passages
piano or pianissimo. For him even the instrument of the 1840s
had too much tone, and in his playing his aim was to avoid any hint of fracas
pianistique. Franchomme had a Stradivari cello but held the bow above
the frog, making for flexibility and subtlety of tone rather than robustness.
I would not normally bother to mention such matters were it not that the
players on this CD have signally ignored them. That they have magical sonorities
at their command is clear from the central section of the Scherzo [listen -- track 2, 1:56-3:04]. The start of the slow movement
has an equivalent tenderness and rapt poise [listen
-- track 3, 0:02-0:49]. Alas that I cannot consider all the Sonata on
the same level. Indeed some moments might well have caused Chopin to block
his ears and flee across the Channel, if the 1848 revolution had not already
done so.
That same revolution reached Dresden the following year. Wagner was on
the barricades and an immediate candidate for exile. The King of Saxony
had invoked Prussian troops, and Clara Schumann described some of the atrocities:
the landlord of the Goldner Hirsch was made to watch 'while the soldiers
shot twenty-six students, one after the other, that they had found there'.
Schumann's only revolutionary contribution was the four so-called 'Barricade'
Marches of Op 76. As tension mounted during April 1849, he wrote all the
enchanting pieces here. The least attractive works are perhaps the Op 102
cello works; the rest are best quality Schumann, if conceived originally
for horn and clarinet. Rasch und feurig is a fatal indication for
these players, only exceeded perhaps by Rasch und mit Feuer. But
again the first of the Phantasiestücke begins with an affectionate
care that is truly Schumannesque [listen -- track 7,
0:02-1:01]. The same applies to the middle section of Rasch und mit
Feuer [listen -- track 9, 1:10-2:06]. The moments
of more obviously 21st-century music-making I leave to what may well be
the ready enjoyment of more accommodating ears.
Copyright © 17 July 2002
Robert Anderson, London, UK
Chopin: Cello Sonata; Schumann: Phantasiestücke etc
CD-1076 DDD Stereo 67'56" 2001 BIS Records AB
Torleif Thedéen, cello; Roland Pöntinen, piano
Chopin: Sonata in G minor for Cello and Piano Op 65 (1845-46); Schumann: Adagio and Allegro in A flat Op 70 (1849); Schumann: Phantasiestücke Op 73 (1849); Schumann: Fünf Stücke im Volkston Op 102 (1849) |