<< -- 4 -- Wilfrid Mellers SECOND SIGHT

Even so, the most rewarding numbers, musically speaking, are those that
deal unambiguously and exuberantly with positive aspects of the Christian
message. I've mentioned the Easter monodies glowingly sung by Catherine
King. Numbers in which a second part is added to the first, each being separately
composed, effect a similar shift in perspective: as in 'Cantu miro',
in which the second of the 'light' tenors adds 'body'
to a praise-song addressed to St Nicholas. The two three-part settings --
possibly the earliest three-part music to appear in England -- suggest
that medieval composers relished the positive potential of harmonic part-writing
as an 'illuminated' sonority comparable with a visually illuminated
manuscript; the text of 'Verbum patris umanator O O!' is a disquisition
on the theology of the Virgin Birth but the music is a lilting dance in
symmetrical rhythm with the lines coruscating, within the prevailing fourths
and fifths, in arbitrary dissonances that don't even seek after harmonic
congruence. Since the intervals of fifth and fourth symbolized God in the
Middle Ages one might say that the music sets out the process whereby God's
Holy Word becomes humanly corporeal.
The other three-voiced piece, 'Qui pius est factus', is an
insertion into the Agnus Dei of the Eucharist, and may owe its trinitarian
third part to the Agnus's being the goal of the liturgy. In this case
it imparts dignity, even grandeur, rather than rendering the music more
humanly physical in appeal. The basic medieval technique was unaccompanied
monody; when a second, and then a third, part shyly intruded, the intention
was not to invent a new technique but to enhance monody's power-to-praise.
Unbeknownst to those distant creators, however, the invention of polyphony
spelt the death of the old monophonic technique and of the Old World it
had made aurally incarnate. Christopher Page's performances of this
music catch to perfection this instantaneous moment of truth. The singers
chant as though the world were unchanged; but what we hear
hints at radical re-formation in which the Re-naissance is already latent.
Copyright © 2 June 2001
Wilfrid Mellers, York, UK
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