Computer music toys
This week we explore toys, novelties, music programs and downloadable
music gadgets. I have to begin with a warning that some of the items featured
here will not work on some computers. I've tried to indicate where things
will only work with certain hardware or software, but it's impossible to
test everything with all possible configurations. Apologies in advance if
your setup doesn't allow you to use these programs.
Tune toys
Tim Thompson has produced a series of tune toys - programs which produce and alter music, including
a program which chops up pieces of music and reorders the pieces. Visit
for example, and give the program the web address of a MIDI music file.
Then click on the button labelled 'tear it to pieces' ! You should see a
graphical representation of the music and a link to a new file to listen
If you're keen on aspects of programming, you can look at the source code
of these toys, and you'll also be interested to look at PLUM - Tim's
list of Programming Languages Used for Music, and KeyKit - Tim's
programming language and graphical user interface for MIDI.
Lars Vahlen's MIDIMutator
is also an interesting Java tune toy, similar to one of Tim's above. This
is an application rather than an applet, so you must download
and run it on any machine with a Java run-time environment. Instructions
are given on the site for downloading versions of JRE or JDK.
Tonica and Capella
A program on the WHC website (mostly in German, but with an English section)
composes four-part chorales in the style of Bach or Reger. The program is
called TONICA and you should be able to find it from the WHC main page (half way down the the
left-hand frame). Unfortunately, the TONICA information appears to
only be in German. However, you can download
the demo version straight from this link. (1.7Mb). WHC also produce
Capella - Germany's leading music notation software, and a demonstration
download (1.2Mb, Windows only) is available from Software
Partners (WHC's UK distributors).
Music Composer's Workbench
Pierre Jouvelot has written a harmony Java applet which he describes
as 'pretty basic', but which can be used to detect standard chord 'errors'
in four-part pieces. You can see the applet on Pierre's page at nassau.ensmp.fr/Harmony/Harmony.html.
Mozart shareware
David Webber's 'Mozart the Music Processor' - a music editor for MS Windows
- is available in an evaluation version from www.mozart.co.uk. This is version 4 for MS Windows 95, 98
or NT and the download size is about 1.7Mb.
Sharp eyes
The SharpEye Music Reader is a music OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
program which will scan printed (but not handwritten) music and convert
it to a MIDI file. To download an evaluation version (MS Windows 95, 98
or NT only, 1.1Mb), visit www.visiv.co.uk.
MidiScan does the same job, and is available from www.musitek.com/midiscan.html.
Braeburn software
Music software written by musicians for musicians is the slogan
of Bernard Hill's company Braeburn Software based in Selkirk, Scotland.
You can read more about Braeburn's Music Publisher system and download an
evaluation version (Windows only - 3.1 at 790kB or 95,98,NT at 950kB) at
Ear training
EarMaster 2.0 is
an advanced and high quality ear training program with versions in ten different
languages (including Slovene). The program will teach you interval identification,
interval comparison, chord identification, chord-inversion identification,
scale identification, melody dictation, rhythm imitation, rhythm reading,
and rhythm correction. Operating at five different standard levels of difficulty,
you can also define your own levels. A 30 day free trial is available for
download (Windows 3.1, 95, 98, NT only - 556kB). EarMaster Pro 4.0 now available.
Free mixers and free harps
Free Store is worth visiting to see their range of applets. Some work
with MAC or Windows. Most can be run online or downloaded, but you'll need
both SSEYO KOAN and Macromedia Flash plugins installed. SSEYO are
the producers of the KOAN generative music system. If you haven't
experienced this, it's worth visiting the KOAN area of their site.
Set theory
Jay Tomlin's Set
Theory Calculator lets you investigate musical set theory, related to
serialism. If you can't wait to define a pitch class set and then invert
it ... this is the site for you! (Needs Java, but should work on Mac, unix
and Windows machines).
Sounds from objects
Kees van den Doel's Java applets allow you to create your own virtual
object and then hit, pluck or scrape it to hear the resulting sounds. There's
also a change ringing applet and an avalanche simulator on the Java applet sound
demos page.
Sound sculptures
Finally today, Sound
sculptures is a site providing 'relaxing sounds to relieve stress'.
A set of Java applets which loop (or play randomly) a series of sound samples.
Choose from fountains, beaches, waterfalls, birdsong, rain ...
Incidentally, I found this page via the Gamelan
Java programming site. Try selecting 'free downloads' and then searching
for 'music'. There's some interesting stuff, although some of it seems to
be two or more years old.
Copyright © Keith Bramich, October
5th 1999
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