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...what many, not only in Italy, but elsewhere, have long attempted in vain is the quote (from Petrucci to the Duke of Venice) which heads the webpage describing the Petrucci Project. This plan to digitise music is one of the musical activities described at Soundpost, a site which describes itself as a site coming from the mountains of Mallorca, with news of classical music activities. You'll find information about various activities in the Deiá region, including the festival internacional de Deiá and a concert-promoting organisation called Amics de la música clàssica 


CAPLooF and New Modern Classical Music

Mailing lists seem to be very popular at the moment - the choice is widening. Bill Flavel has set up a 'New Modern Music' mailing list at The server hosts lots of lists - there are 175 lists in their classical music section, for example (although many have very few members, and some have merged with other lists). You must register with them at before subscribing to any lists (and they ask for quite a bit of personal information).

CAPLooF is a new mailing list for the arts, concentrating on the role of the arts in society and on controversial issues, social awareness, freedom of speech etc. Gustav BenJava has created this list, and is keen to attract members from the classical music area.


More Root from Tubb

A few months ago we featured Benjamin Tubb's presentation of MIDI files and libretti for rarely heard American music. Since then a new cantata: The Festival of the Flowers (1893) with music by George Frederick Root (1820-1895) and words by Clara Louise Burnham has appeared. This is stored in a ZIP archive and is available for download at (The link is near the bottom of this huge page).


Concert Choir of New Orleans

Chartered as a corporation by the State of Louisiana, the Concert Choir of New Orleans (CCNO)'s board of directors is recruited from its singing membership, and the names of all the members of the choir (and past and future performances, biographies, press releases and choir history) can be found on their comprehensive and clear website (produced by Caroline M Fisher, Associate Professor of Marketing at Loyola University) at

Guia for Free

This new site from Brazil lists many of the best resources offered for free on the net. It isn't specifically music-oriented, but it does have, for example, a huge list of sites containing MIDI files ... An interesting presentation, but I'm not completely sure about the practicality of this huge page containing 300 tiny pictures though ... it takes ages to load, and the individual sites are not really identifiable until the pictures have loaded. 


Acoma Company / Nambe Editions

The Acoma company provides compact discs, music publications and liquid audio files at This is a very busy site, with lots to explore and download, including lots of composer biographies and a java game called 'interval drill'. It appears to be run by guitarist Lynn Harting-Ware (founding editor of Guitar Canada magazine) and composer Peter Ware. Other composers represented include Edward Arteaga, Kathy Henkel and Frank Wiley. (Incidentally, if you suffer from epilepsy, beware of the flickering animated CD covers on this site.)


Copyright © Keith Bramich, September 28th 1999


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