Canticle setting and singing
BASIL RAMSEY listens to a living tradition on record

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St George's Chapel at Windsor adopts a wide-angle-lens view of Evening
Canticles: six of the fourteen here sung are non-British. From Latin traditions
are de Vivanco's alternation of plainsong (of the Eighth tone) and ornate
polyphony and Diego's Nunc Dimittis in the same fashion to the Third tone.
own Thomas Weelkes' fine sixth Evening Service intervenes before a return
south for Marenzio's Second tone setting of the Magnificat, and the later
Soler's elaborate setting for two choirs and organ (or a pair when available).
After that profusion of polyphony, a leap to Victorian England requires
an adjustment of perspective: Parry in D, nevertheless, has some unexpected
moments with the subtle 'lift'. So does the later setting in the same key
by H.K.Andrews, different enough in conception and execution. Before it
comes there's the South African Stanley Glasser's vibrantly fresh ideas,
expressly for Windsor in 1995. (Click to listen.)
To finish with Henry Smart's impeccable and grand Victoriana in B flat makes
an ideal - maybe safely comfortable - conclusion to an imaginative collection.
Peterborough's has a careful balance, but by including Purcell's wonderful
setting in G minor distances the rest somewhat from its radiance. The follow-on
is a recent Bryan Kelly service for Peterborough, professional in its construction,
but to me less vibrant in musical effect than it might be. I find this also
to mar the Alan Ridout service for Peterborough. Canticles present a challenge
which only a few successfully overcome. Other modern settings here are Stanley
Vann's, also for Peterborough, and Francis Jackson in G minor. Yet I single
out Charles Wood's 'Collegium Regale' as a worthy and deeply-felt setting,
which closes this record most suitably.
Keble chapel at Oxford is glorious for sound, so the good organ and excellent
(augmented?) mixed choir needed only to select a variety of quality canticle
settings for the sum to be greater than its parts. A Tallis Latin setting
is the sole representative of early music, the rest being 19th and 20th
century English, plus Arvo Part's characteristic minimal apparel, which
is suitable and solemn. The antithesis is found in the Howells Chichester
Service with its chromatic crunching and sudden sunset colours. (Click to listen.) Other varieties of textures with something
idiomatic are Pearce's eight-part setting and Vaughan Williams with a modal
tread. Topping and tailing this programme is the full-blown romanticism
of Healey Willan in A and Basil Harwood in E minor, both relishing chances
of full throttle.
Members of the choir of St George's, Belfast undoubtedly love
what they are doing, which is apparent from the result. No stone is unturned
in the zest for good music sung well and, I imagine, often with the spur
of yet more good music to be learnt. For the sake (I suppose) of a good
recording ambience they have used Armagh Cathedral. There is no compromise
in programme, giving us a Byrd's Second Service alongside one of the Howells
cathedral settings, in this case St John's, Cambridge. They also do well
with a Morley fauxbourdon service, the men are nicely expressive with Sumsion
in G, and the boys put such vitality into Dyson's treble setting in C minor.
(Click to listen.)
On that basis and at that level this choir sets its own standard. The
result is good without compromise - everything fuelled by enthusiam and
enjoyment. I shall return to this CD when I'm low in spirits and need reminding
of what can be done whatever the background and whatever the excuse for
not pushing forward.
Copyright © Basil Ramsey, August
4th 1999
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis
The Choir of St George's Chapel, Windsor
Jonathan Rees-Williams (director), Roger Judd (organ)
Priory PRCD 634
The Choir of Peterborough Cathedral
Christopher Gower (director), Mark Duthie (organ)
Priory PRCD 632
The Choir of Keble College, Oxford
Philip Stopford (director), Stephen Bullamore (organ)
Priory PRCD 664
The Choir of St George's Church, Belfast
Nigel McClintock (director) & Christopher Gray (organ)
Priory PRCD 633
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