A Prince amongst composers
Monteverdi and the voice of Maria Cristina Kiehr

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recording in recent years has brought home to me the sensitivity, joy and
pathos of Monteverdi's solo voice motets as this featuring the exquisite
voice of Maria Cristina Kiehr.
If the average, musically-balanced reader of these words takes note of
anything by Monteverdi, it is probably the Vespers of 1610 and therefore
the categorization slips into the mind as 'chorus'. As this CD embarks on
a course of correction to the bias, we discover Monteverdi's adventurous
spirit with music for a solo voice: listen to this opening of O quam
pulchra es. (Click for music.) Music and voice
perfectly match, and for me there is a tingle of joy for this marriage.
Sacred music at that time in Italy was predominately for a cappella voices,
so the attraction of a pliable form of solo motet, lending itself to decorative
vocal lines and expressive harmony was natural to a composer of Monteverdi's
outlook. A brief extract from Exulta, Filia Sion brings the joyful
vitality that reflects the mix of sacred and secular styles and ornamentation
that intensifies the exhilaration. (Click for music.)
For our sheer adulation of Monteverdi's powers, and his readiness to
grasp at opportunities, the track that lends its name to this record is
a powerful lament, deep in penetration of our emotions as the Virgin Mary
grieves the death of her son. Yet Monteverdi composed it earlier within
an opera for Ariadne to lament her abandonment by Theseus. Depths of human
despair induce the same traumas. (Click for music.)
The instrumental tracks here include organ pieces by Marini, possibly
a pupil of Monteverdi, and Merulo, dubbed 'the Prince of Organists', maybe
for his five keyboard collections and a predilection for alchemy. Concerto
Soave, an impeccable ensemble throughout, reminds us yet again of the amazing
development of early music scholarship throughout our century, and the skill
and understanding of so many specialist performers.
Copyright © Basil Ramsey,
July 31st 1999
Monteverdi Pianto della Madonna
Maria Cristina Kiehr
Concerto Soave
Jean-Marc Aymes, conductor
harmonia mundi HMC 901680 DDD 62'47
Copyright © 1999 harmonia mundi s.a.
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