Part II
Continued from part I
The responsibility of the performer is enormous. We must be true to the
composer, who gave us this work. We must also be certain that we are being
true to our understanding of the piece. This is where, and why, the sterile
application of received traditions will not do. A sense of style, a knowledge
of the context from which the music sprang, and of the 'performance practice'
(unhappy phrase), all these are certainly essential. They can help to lead
the player deeper into music, closer to the mysterious centre where its
nature resides. But they are never enough in themselves. Applied superficially,
like a Band-Aid, or as a formula, they create only a mechanical reproduction
of the notes. Keats writes: 'The excellency of every art is its intensity,
capable of making all disagreeables evaporate, from their being in close
relationship with beauty and truth'.5
It is only when the player's instincts bond with the soul of the work
itself that the performance becomes an interpretation and an effective force,
convincing because of its sureness of identification, its consistency of
vision, its recognition of the truth. That is not to say that there is only
one way to play a piece, one message to come from it. Just as a personality
may have many facets and be thus endlessly fascinating, so a great work
can be seen, within certain limits of style, in a myriad ways. That is why
it can reach so many people, who hear it on their own terms, at many
different levels.
What, then, is success, in the performance of a piece? There seems to
be an alchemical process, made up of the chemistry of the composer, the
performer through whose consciousness the work is filtered and by whom it
is enriched (otherwise there would be no reason for more than one, recorded,
performance), and the listeners, who acquire a corporate identity that interacts
with the performer, materially influencing the result.
The balance of factors is extremely delicate, and to these main ingredients
are still to be added the seasoning of the surroundings, the acoustics,
the occasion. It is rare that everything comes together in even a brief
state of perfection, but when they do it is a consciousness-changing experience
for all involved. One of the supreme occasions for me came in 1985 when
I played all Bach's organ works in a series for the University of Western
Australia in Perth. They were arranged in 15 concerts over just three weeks,
and although not every member of the audience attended every recital there
was a nucleus who did. As we wended our way through the sublime wonders
of the oeuvre, the spirit of the music became almost tangible. Despite temperatures
of 104 degrees, I approached each concert with not only eager anticipation
but a feeling of gratitude for what was happening.
This seemed to be shared by the audience, who after the last concert
formed a long line of people bringing gifts - given to me, but brought also
in thanksgiving for what was at the heart of the experience: the communicating
of a vision, through the music. In perceiving this other world, and by his
conviction proclaiming its reality, the performer becomes a transmitter,
the strength of his own vision intensifying that of his audience. At such
times the listener is not simply enjoying beautiful music; there is a sense
of understanding, comprehending. Wordsworth puts it wonderfully: '....with
an eye made quiet by the power of harmony, and the deep power of joy, we
see into the life of things'.6 In
saying 'I then comprehend the whole at one glance' Mozart voices not only
his method of composing but the essential requirement of a performer; at
the end of a work there is - should be - a moment when the work as a
whole hangs in the air as if tangible, triumphantly escaped from the
chains of time, and free to be seen, felt, known.
Apart from that unforgettable Bach series, for me the experience has
most often been repeated with the music of Messiaen. For six weeks in the
spring of 1998 some one thousand people came each week to hear his organ
music in the inimitable surroundings of London's Westminster Cathedral,
their intense concentration a tribute to the music's power and the awareness
that they were witnessing a creative process, taking place before and within
them as the sounds shimmered in the air. Two months later it happened again,
even though this time in a much more mundane acoustic and setting, in a
small American church and in a European concert-hall. There was the moment
of perfect union, too, in a Bach harpsichord concerto, when the performance
took ecstatic wing and the orchestra, conductor and I conversed through
the music with a joyous spontaneity that should be ever-present in our music-making,
but is all too rare. These are the moments that humble and exalt at the
same time; the moments when one feels least worthy of the music, but most
grateful for a life lived at its centre.
Copyright © Gillian Weir, 28 January
1,2 |
Intimations of Immortality Wordsworth |
3 |
In conversation with the author |
4 |
Quoted by Prescott, The Poetic Mind (NY 1922)
and in part by Micklem Prophecy and Eschatology (London 1926) |
5 |
Letters of John Keats, To G. and T. Keats, 21 Dec 1817 |
6 |
Tintern Abbey Wordsworth |
Through her unparalleled career as an internationally-acclaimed concert
organist, known for her virtuosity, integrity and outstanding musicianship,
GILLIAN WEIR, one of today's foremost artists, has won the admiration of
audiences and critics worldwide, placing her at the forefront of her profession. |
Her fame as a performer, which has stimulated numerous young players to
follow her, is backed by her scholarly reputation; she is in constant demand
as an international adjudicator, lecturer, broadcaster, teacher and writer,
while her television appearances have reached vast new audiences. She has
received numerous awards and honours, including a CBE in 1989, and in the
1996 New Years' Honours List, she was made a Dame Commander of the British
Empire in recognition of her distinguished services to music. |