Pity for the Misbegotten
Salvatore Sciarrino's opera 'Superflumina', reviewed by GIUSEPPE PENNISI
Palermo's Teatro Massimo should be given a special award for having brought Salvatore Sciarrino's Superflumina to Italy, as part of a festival to celebrate the Italian composer's seventieth birthday. The festival included all Sciarrino's compositions for flute and other concertos, including one for one hundred saxophones in motion. I saw and heard Superflumina on 4 November 2017.
Sciarrino is one of the most important contemporary composers and I have previously reviewed some of his works here — 'A Modern Tragedy', 20 June 2016, 'Old and New', 28 July 2016, 'Dramatic Temperament', 9 April 2015, and 'Chamber Opera', 22 October 2012...
Copyright © 8 November 2017
Giuseppe Pennisi, Rome, Italy