Old and New
GIUSEPPE PENNISI reports from Siena's Chigiana International Festival
Last year, I reported on the Italian Summer's longest and most interesting musical festival: the Chigiana International Festival and Summer Academy in Siena (A Long Musical Summer, 28 July 2015), explaining that the festival was built on two different experiences: the Chigiana Academy of Music (started in 1938) and the Chigiana Week (started after World War II). Both were initiatives by a private sponsor, Count Chigi-Saracini, who had organized a contemporary music festival in 1928. The new director, Nicola Sani, a composer and also Superintendent of the Bologna Teatro Comunale, had the idea of fusing these two ventures. Academy of Music masterclass participants are selected via a worldwide competition, and have the best international musicians as their instructors...
Copyright © 24 July 2016
Giuseppe Pennisi, Rome, Italy