A Renewed International Chigiana Prize
GIUSEPPE PENNISI was in Siena for the Chigiana Award concert
Over the last two years, I have chronicled how, after a period of decline, one of the finest European musical institutions, Accademia Chigiana in Siena, is progressively starting a new life, under the guidance of its president, Professor Marcello Clarichi, and of its musical director Nicola Sani. (See 'A Long Musical Summer', 28 July 2015 and 'Old and New', 28 July 2016.) The Accademia Chigiana was founded by Count Luigi Luciano Saracini in 1932 with the purpose of developing advanced training in young musicians by the world's best conductors and instrumentalists. Its trainees were international, admitted via a competition, and from 1982 until 2010, the Chigiana was awarded to the best of them...
Copyright © 18 July 2017
Giuseppe Pennisi, Rome, Italy