Rossini on a Movie Set
'Il Turco in Italia' and 'Ciro in Babilonia' at the Rossini Opera Festival, reviewed by GIUSEPPE PENNISI
The Rossini Opera Festival (ROF) has a standard pattern: three opera productions (between new productions and revivals) in four cycles, a couple of performances of Il Viaggio a Reims in a production for young voices of the Rossini Academy and of Il viaggetto a Reims in a staging for children, belcanto lectures and seminars. This year 2016, in addition to La Donna del Lago reviewed here recently (An Engrossing Idea, 10 August 2016), the ROF presented a new production of Il Turco in Italia and a revival of the 2012 Ciro in Babilonia. The two operas have the same director, Davide Livermore; the staging is based on the same idea: they are shown in a movie studio while a film is being shot. Thus, it is almost natural to present only one review for both of them...
Copyright © 25 August 2016
Giuseppe Pennisi, Rome, Italy