Technically Perfect
SUZANNE TORREY listens to and watches Joshua Bell
The two halves of the program [Severance Hall, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 17 January 2013] couldn't have been more different, but the second half was definitely worth the cacophony of the first. Yes, I know that 'all music was once new', and that there are many varied styles of composition, but there are some things that just are not easy to get through. One such work was the opening work, Lied, by Jörg Widmann, who served as the Cleveland Orchestra's Daniel R Lewis Young Composer 2009-11. The program notes for the orchestra's premier of this work claim a link with the compositional technique of Schubert and that it draws on the 'special atmosphere and emotionality' of Schubert's music, but such was hard to find...
Copyright © 27 January 2013
Suzanne Torrey, Cleveland USA