A Key Flaw
If 'Das Rheingold' becomes a comedy, by GIUSEPPE PENNISI
If the morning sky is an indication of the rest of the day's weather, Das Rheingold, seen at the Teatro Massimo in Palermo on 22 January 2013, anticipates an interesting Ring, but one quite distant from Richard Wagner's own intentions. The decision of Teatro Massimo to stage the full Ring on its own (eg without any other opera house as a partner) and within a single season (two operas at the beginning of 2013 and two at the end) is to be applauded. It is a good way to celebrate the bicentenary of Wagner's birthday. Not even La Scala and the Berlin Staatsoper have dared that much [read 'High Expectations', 22 May 2010]...
Copyright © 26 January 2013
Giuseppe Pennisi, Rome, Italy