Beautifully Considered
Music for violin and viola -
heard by HOWARD SMITH'Braun has a firm, bright, highly focused tone ...'
With MSR Classics' Voices of Time, a two CD unaccompanied recital, Jerusalem-born violinist Matitiahu Braun (born 1940) performs viola versions of Bach's cello suites -- No 1 in G minor and No 2 in D minor -- and the violin partita No 2 in D minor.
The latter is played in sturdy if somewhat unremarkable fashion. Braun has a firm, bright, highly focused tone and is clearly the complete technician. Throughout this entire programme there's little cause to fault his musicianship.
Prokofiev's Solo Violin Sonata (Op 115) is regrettably absent in most of today's recitals, and while Braun is more than capable of surmounting its technical hurdles, his harsh, abrasive OTT 'Con brio' and parts of the Moderato relegate him to runner up in this work...
Copyright © 9 October 2010
Howard Smith, Masterton, New Zealand