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11 Mar 2018Mykhaylo Chemberzhi (1944-2018)Ukrainian composer Mykhaylo Chemberzhi died in March 2018
4 Mar 2018Jesús López Cobos (1940-2018)Spanish conductor Jesús López Cobos died in March 2018
1 Mar 2018March 2018 NewsletterMusic and Vision's March 2018 newsletter has been published
1 Mar 2018Juan Hidalgo Codorniu (1927-2018)Spanish avant-garde composer Juan Hidalgo Codorniu died in February 2018
25 Feb 2018Beebe Freitas (1938-2018)American pianist, organist, voice trainer and teacher Beebe Freitas died in February 2018
25 Feb 2018Heli Lääts (1932-2018)Estonian mezzo Heli Lääts died in February 2018
25 Feb 2018Gian Paolo Mele (1944-2018)Italian choral director, composer and ethnomusicologist Gian Paolo Mele died in February 2018
17 Feb 2018László Melis (1953-2018)Hungarian composer and violinist László Melis died in February 2018
17 Feb 2018Paul Danblon (1931-2018)Belgian composer, opera director, opera administrator and journalist Paul Danblon died in February 2018
11 Feb 2018Alan Stout (1932-2018)American composer Alan Stout died in February 2018
1 Feb 2018February 2018 NewsletterMusic and Vision's February 2018 newsletter has been published
1 Feb 2018A McCabe GarlandEnglish recorder player John Turner has organised a CD of tributes to John McCabe by various composers
28 Jan 2018Francisco Savín (1929-2018)Mexican composer and conductor Francisco Savín died in January 2018
28 Jan 2018Igor Zhukov (1936-2018)Russian pianist, conductor and sound engineer Igor Zhukov died in January 2018
28 Jan 2018Renaud Gagneux (1947-2018)French composer Renaud Gagneux died in January 2018

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