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15 Jun 2018Basil Ramsey (1929-2018)English music publisher, journalist, magazine editor and organist Basil Ramsey died in June 2018
14 Jun 2018Richard Rodney BennettSomm releases a new CD of choral music by Richard Rodney Bennett which includes eleven first recordings
6 Jun 2018Andrew Massey (1946-2018)English-born American conductor Andrew Massey died in June 2018
6 Jun 2018Rosa Briceño (1957-2018)Venezuelan conductor Rosa Briceño died in May 2018
2 Jun 2018June 2018 NewsletterMusic and Vision's June 2018 newsletter has been published
1 Jun 2018Piet Kee (1927-2018)Dutch organist and composer Piet Kee died in May 2018
23 May 2018Dieter Schnebel (1930-2018)German composer Dieter Schnebel died in May 2018
19 May 2018Glenn Branca (1948-2018)American composer Glenn Branca died in May 2018
19 May 2018Jonathan Sternberg (1919-2018)American conductor Jonathan Sternberg died in May 2018
9 May 2018Roman Toi (1916-2018)Estonian-born Canadian composer, conductor and organist Roman Toi died in May 2018
5 May 2018Wanda Wilkomirska (1929-2018)Polish violinist Wanda Wilkomirska died in May 2018
5 May 2018Herman Krebbers (1923-2018)Dutch violinist Herman Krebbers died in May 2018
1 May 2018May 2018 NewsletterMusic and Vision's May 2018 newsletter has been published
30 Apr 2018Huguette Tourangeau (1940-2018)French-Canadian mezzo Huguette Tourangeau died in April 2018
30 Apr 2018Graciela Agudelo (1945-2018)Mexican pianist and composer Graciela Agudelo died in April 2018

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