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Fit and Slim?

The Sheraton Cadwell Orchestra in Toronto has 'ceased to exist' after its management sent an ill-judged email to the group's vocal soloists. The email asked those who were not 'fit and slim' to refrain from wearing tight-fitting dresses:

Kindly note that for all future shows - as per our highly selective casting requirements for vocal artists taking on a prominent leading role on stage - only singers who are physically fit & slim (or, at the very least, those who know how to dress strategically/suitably in order to not bring attention to their temporary physical/dietary indulgences) would be showcased with our boutique orchestras.

Following a large backlash to the comments, the orchestra's management board has been forced to resign, and, in a statement sent to CBC Toronto, it was made clear that the orchestra would cease to exist in due course, but that the reason is due to loss of funding for the organisation's music training and community service programmes.

Posted: 1 September 2017

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