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Sorabji world première

Jonathan Powell, renowned for his exemplary and enlightening performances and recordings of Sorabji's piano works, gave the world première of the theme and first thirteen variations of the vast Sequentia cyclica sopra Dies irae ex Missa pro defunctis in London in December 2008.

On 29 January 2010, 6pm at the same venue, the Schott Recital Room, 48 Gt Marlborough St, London UK, he will première variations 14-22. Tickets will be available at the door. On 18 June this year he is scheduled to première the entire work at the Concert Hall of Glasgow University, starting at 2.30pm.

Sequentia Cyclica was completed in 1949 and is dedicated to Busoni's most distinguished student, the Dutch pianist Egon Petri. Almost forty years later, the composer, then aged ninety six, considered it to be one of his finest works. This is a major event not to be missed!


Posted: 15 January 2010

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