Silvia Kind
The Swiss harpsichordist, teacher and eccentric Silvia Kind died on 30 May 2002 in Port Angeles, USA, aged 94. Born at Chur on 15 August 1907, she studied conducting, composition, counterpoint, flute and piano at the Zurich Conservatory, then composition with Hindemith at the Berlin Hochschule für Musik, where she first came across her future instrument, the harpsichord. She taught and played in Europe, then was invited to join the faculty of the University of Washington School of Music, USA, where she become director of the baroque ensemble Collegium Musicum and an inspiration to many students. She remained at the University from 1967 until 1978. During the course of her long and inspirational life, she befriended Paul Hindemith, Glenn Gould and novelist Günter Grass.
Posted: 18 June 2002
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