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Death of Jean Papineau-Couture

Jean Papineau-Couture, a Canadian composer who wrote nearly 100 works, many for the CBC and various Canadian orchestras, died on 11 August 2000, aged 83.

Papineau-Couture also taught music for over 50 years, developing a musical acoustics course, and teaching Canadian composers Jacques Hetu, François Morel and André Prevost. From 1968 until 1973, Jean Papineau-Couture was dean of the music faculty at Montreal University.

The music tended to be experimental, and retained an international perspective following studies with Boulanger in the 1940s in the USA, where he met (and studied) Stravinsky.

Honours include Companion of the Order of Canada (1993) and Governor General's Performing Arts Award (1994).

Posted: 18 August 2000

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