A selection of M&V 'oriental' articles
CD Spotlight. Wonderfully Deft - Choral and orchestral music by Camille Saint-Saëns, heard by Robert Anderson. 'The London Philharmonic under Geoffrey Simon gives of its best ...'
CD Spotlight. Programmatic Titles - Piano music by John Pitts, heard by Patric Standford. 'The performances by Steven Kings are excellent ...'
Ensemble. Difficult to Forget - Richard Strauss' 'Die Frau ohne Schatten', enjoyed by Giuseppe Pennisi
Ensemble. A Fascinating Afternoon - Mozart's 'Die Entführung aus dem Serail' live from Barcelona, enjoyed by Maria Nockin in Arizona
Ensemble. Soulful Intimacy - A concert by Yasmin Levy lingers in Malcolm Miller's memory
Ensemble. A Sparkling Concert - Sabbath music from the Zemel Choir, enjoyed by Malcolm Miller
DVD Spotlight. Convincing Forcefulness - A documentary on Puccini's 'Madame Butterfly', seen by Gerald Fenech. '... riveting stuff ...'
CD Spotlight. A Broader Canvas - Chamber music by Sibelius, enjoyed by Robert Anderson. '... fresh and unfamiliar music, put across with such conviction ...'