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A selection of M&V 'interpreter' articles

Flying Colours - A piano recital by Theresia Renelt, appreciated by Mary Isaac

CD Spotlight. Great Abilities - Piano trios by Donald Tovey, heard by Robert Anderson. '... diatonic convictions ...'

Stimulating Fare - Eugene Alcalay plays Bartók, Dutilleux and Beethoven, enjoyed by Malcolm Miller

Ensemble. Truly Memorable - A concert of arias at Arizona Opera impresses Maria Nockin

Ensemble. Unity of Conception - Malcolm Troup was at the BPSE Summer Festival in London

Ensemble. Excellent Throughout - A lunchtime piano recital by Maiko Mori, heard by Bill Newman

Ensemble. Energy and Imagination - Beethoven from Louis Lortie, Kurt Masur and the Cleveland Orchestra, reviewed by Lawrence Budmen


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