Cherry Ripe - Vocal treasures of the 18th and 19th centuries
Playing time: 68'13"
Tracks: 21
Booklet pages: 39
© 2008 Melba Recordings
Reviewer: Howard Smith
Review of Cherry Ripe - Vocal treasures of the 18th and 19th centuries published on 25 January 2009
Deborah Riedel, soprano Arcadia Lane Orchestra Richard Bonynge, conductor
1 James Hook (1746-1827): The Lass of Richmond Hill
2 Giovanni Paisiello (1740-1816), arranged by Mazzinghi: Hope Told a Flatt'ring Tale
3 James Hook: The Nightingale
4 William Boyce (1711-1779): Tell Me, Lovely Shepherd (Solomon)
5 Charles Edward Horn (1786-1849): Cherry Ripe
6 Thomas Arne (1710-1782): Gentle Youth (Love in a Village)
7 Stephen Storace (1762-1796) orchestrated by Richard Burgess-Ellis: Ye Streams that Round my Prison Creep (Lodoiska)
8 Johann Christian Bach (1735-1782): Privo del Mio Tesoro (Cefalo e Procri)
9 Peter von Winter (1754-1825): Paga fui (Il Ratto di Proserpina)
10 Vicente Martin y Soler (1754-1806): Dolce mi parve un di (Una Casa Rara)
11 Marco Antonio da Fonseca Portugallo (1762-1830): Per amar abbiamo il core (Aria Polacca, La Donna di Genio Volubile)
12 Pietro Generali (1773-1832): Arietta con clarinetto obbligato (Per Pietà)
13 Johann Adolf Hasse (1699-1783): Pace e amor (L'amor Prigioniero)
14 Johann Simon Mayr (1763-1845): Ingemisco (Gran Messa da Requiem)
15 Domenico Cimarosa (1749-1801): La donna che è amante (Giannina e Bernardone)
16 Domenico Cimarosa: Rondo (Il mio cor gli Affeti miei)
17 Niccolo Antonio Zingarelli (1752-1837): Ombra adorata, aspetta (Giulietta e Romeo)
18 Francesco Bianchi (1752-1810): La Preghiera (Ines de Castro)
19 Girolamo Crescentini (1762-1846) orchestrated by Richard Burgess-Ellis: Aria (Sento mancarmi l'Anima)
20 André Ernest Modeste Grétry (1741-1813): Plus de dépit (Les deux Avares)
21 Nicolas Dalayrac (1753-1809): Quand le bien-aimé reviendra (Nina)