Elizabethan Street Songs - From the Alehouse to the Whore-house - Jigs, Ballads and Bawdy Songs
GE 002
Playing time: c63'
Tracks: 19
Booklet pages: 16
© 2008 The Shakespeare Globe Trust
Reviewer: Maria Nockin
Review of Elizabethan Street Songs - From the Alehouse to the Whore-house - Jigs, Ballads and Bawdy Songs published on 29 December 2008
Listen: The Three Ravens (track 6, 0:00-1:03)
Tarleton's Jig: Jim Bisgood Sharon Lindo Keith McGowan Keith Thompson
Arrangements by the members of Tarleton's Jig: 1 Kemp's Jegg 2 Stanes' Morris 3 Bransle/The Horse's Bransle 4 The Baffled Knight 5 Packington's Pound 6 The Three Ravens 7 Bransle de Bretaigne / Nonsuch 8 Cuckolds all a-row 9 Bobbing Joan / Goddesses 10 We be Soldiers Three 11 Lett Never Crueltie Dishonour Bewtie / The Picking of Sticks / Selenger's Round 12 All in a Misty Morning 13 Bara Faustus' Dream 14 Mall Peatley / Half Hannikin 15 The Carman's Whistle 16 Parson's Farewell 17 Give me my Yellow Hose Again 18 The Frog Galliard 19 The Owl