<<< << -- 4 -- Robert Hugill STYLISH AND ENJOYABLE -- >> >>>

Generally the performance was very creditable for the way the cast brought out the comedy without giving the work too much of an end of the pier feel to the show. Robert Burt and Janis Kelly made a fine double act as the King and Queen, Burt showing off a figure which made him almost spherical and Kelly making much of an important but not especially large part.

Robert Poulton as Popolani with Bluebeard's wives. Photo © 2008 Alastair Muir
Robert Poulton and George Mosely made a similar double act as the side kicks of, respectively, Bluebeard and King Bobeche. Other Offenbach operas have similar pairings of important functionaries and Poulton and Mosely had a nice line in sparring with each other, besides contributing fine musical performances.
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Copyright © 9 June 2008
Robert Hugill, London UK