<<< << -- 4 -- Malcolm Miller A RICHLY-SPICED PALETTE

Alexander Fiterstein's eloquent account of the Mozart Clarinet Concerto was a special delight; his attractive velvety tone and his agility brought alive the many beautiful passages in this masterpiece of the clarinet repertoire. The first movement had both pathos and drama, enhanced with virtuosity, gracefulness and ease. The slow movement was ravishing, with exquisitely nuanced pp dynamics and at one point the melody seemed to mesh with seamless finesse with the strings undulating accompaniment, Fiterstein's delicate triplets bounced with strings backing chords at just the right pace. The Rondo flowed with bonhomie and genial radiance, showing Fiterstein, who has studied both in Tel-Aviv and at the Juilliard School of Music, a fine and promising young soloist.
The ICO's support was alert and responsive, and they produced a wonderfully Mozartian richness in the final work, the Prague Symphony, with especially fine playing from the woodwind, notably the bassoon duet in the slow movement. Paternostro, once the ICO's principal conductor, highlighted the dynamic contrasts and shading with engaging detail and care, and brought out the full ebullience and drama of the work, with emphatic panache.
Copyright © 13 May 2008
Malcolm Miller, London UK