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Dylan Lardelli and Eve de Castro-Robinson turned to the poetry of landscapes as their departure point. In Reign, Lardelli was inspired by the verse of Hone Tuwhare (1922-2008), juxtaposing mountains and the raindrops in the rugged Catlins at New Zealand's south-east corner. Eve de Castro-Robinson conveyed ephemeral flashes and sparkles on shimmering water.
Ross Harris in A landscape with too few lovers suggested simple green spaces, a place imbued with absence and longing.
Machine Noises from Michael Norris turned its back on nature, incorporating several divergent mechanical processes at once.
De Pledge's inspiration for the Landscape Preludes is evidently Debussy's two programmatic Books of Preludes -- twelve in each.
Indeed Debussy's influence was apparent in Arapatiki by Gillian Whitehead with passages arising from the sand flats of Otago (South Island). Gareth Farr also used Debussian imprints with The Horizon from Owhiro Bay.
Jenny McLeod in her Landscape Prelude transports her audience to the stillest and most desolate place of all, forests of the West Coast (South Island).
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Copyright © 30 April 2008
Howard Smith, Masterton, New Zealand