<<< << -- 3 -- Kelly Ferjutz FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH

Just a few minutes after the completion of this major work, another group took center stage for yet another major work. However, before the Quatuor Terpsycordes gave vivid life to the Quartet in A minor D 804 'Rosamunde' by Franz Schubert, an exciting action took place above the stage!

The Bantry House library chandelier. Photo © 2007 Kelly Ferjutz
In the center of the library where these evening concerts take place, there is a marvelous, ancient chandelier hanging over the stage. There are a row of candles around the outer edge, and those of us who stayed in the library, were treated to the sight of the candles being lit. It seems they do this for every late evening concert there. How wonderful! They could re-name it 'Concert by Candlelight' because the gently flickering light added a new dimension to the proceedings. (I didn't have my camera Monday night, but you can be sure I will take it on Tuesday evening! A full description will be included in Tuesday's report.)
This quartet was not previously familiar to me, but after two performances, it's already high up on my list of favourites! It plays with sensitivity and passion and refinement all mixed up into one characteristic. I'm not sure of the meaning of the name, Quatuor Terpsycordes, but I'm convinced that the latter word is closely allied to 'terpsichore' who was the goddess of dance, as I recall. The bowing movements of the two violinists and the violist are so alike, they must be choreographed in advance. It's a strangely appealing, almost hypnotic effect, very like dancing while seated. They sway in rhythm with the music and each other in a most pleasing manner. Not that the cellist is left out, but he obviously has less freedom of movement available to him. I found it as enjoyable to watch them as it was to listen.
Apparently the rest of the audience did so as well, as the Quatuor then played an encore. It was Night by Ernest Bloch, a suitable piece to end a day filled with an astonishing array of wonderful music, wonderfully performed. Bloch's gorgeous sonorities were perfectly blended with a sombre lyricism that sent us all out, happily, into the peaceful night.
Another splendid assortment of music awaits on the morrow.
Continue to day five >>
Copyright © 4 July 2007
Kelly Ferjutz, Bantry, Ireland