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The Marschallin regrets not only the passing of the years but the inevitable transfer of Octavian's affections to a younger woman [watch and listen -- DVD1 chapter 18, 57:58-59:32]. It is a nice touch that the incredulous Octavian, now superbly accoutred as a young officer, discreetly overhears much of what the Marschallin has to say. How right she is. He goes at once to the palace of the nouveau-riche Faninal, ostensibly to present a wooer's silver rose on behalf of Baron Ochs to the utterly bewitching Sophie of Miah Persson. Who could resist either her appearance or her voice [watch and listen -- DVD1 chapter 25, 80:01-81:17]? But the Baron grotesquely overplays his hand so that Octavian deals him a corrective blow, and he can be comforted only when Elena Batoukova as the agony-aunt Annina produces a note from the supposed Mariandel for an enticing assignation [watch and listen -- DVD1 chapter 35, 125:35-126:35].

Angelika Kirchschlager as Octavian and Miah Persson as Sophie. DVD Screenshot © 2004 ORF
Angelika Kirchschlager as Octavian and Miah Persson as Sophie. DVD Screenshot © 2004 ORF


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Copyright © 1 January 2007 Robert Anderson, London UK


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