<< -- 2 -- Kelly Ferjutz JUST TOO FUNNY

Mr Locke delves rather deeply into the love-hate relationship that seems to exist between all orchestra musicians and conductors -- neither of whom can function very successfully without the other, but still, animosity will persist. The battle for one-upmanship continues unabated, and humorously.
There are serious moments, too, in particular the portion called 'The Black Sea' on pages 127-136. This segment should be required reading for every parent and student of an aspiring musician on any instrument. The philosophy is the same across the musical scale. Practice, while sometimes deadly boring, is still the only way to get one onto the stage at Carnegie Hall. It costs less to buy a ticket to attend a performance, but the satisfaction is not nearly as great! Another section about practice and auditions may be found beginning on page 95. These two are the most serious-intentioned sections of the book, but are also not without humor. Methinks Mr Locke is incapable of writing without humor. As in: 'Why should I practice? ... The notes are always in the same place.'
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Copyright © 8 August 2006
Kelly Ferjutz, Cleveland USA