Impressively musical
'La clemenza di Tito' -
reviewed by ROBERT ANDERSON'... Sylvain Cambreling in sensitive command ...'
'Equality' in the French Revolution led everyone impartially to the guillotine. Leopold II, to
celebrate whose coronation in Prague Mozart produced La clemenza in something of a scramble
(he hadn't time to write the secco recitatives himself), did not live to see his sister
Marie Antoinette's head join that of countless others in their fraternal fate. Indeed he initially
welcomed the Revolution, when it seemed Louis XVI might easily survive with powers only slightly
clipped. As alarm bells began ringing ever louder, he tried for a European coalition to check the
results of liberty gone mad. Not a chance.

Sylvain Cambreling conducting the overture to 'La Clemenza di Tito' at the Palais Garnier in Paris, May/June 2005
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Copyright © 16 March 2006
Robert Anderson, London UK