<< -- 7 -- Sissy von Kotzebue PPPP OR PPPPP?

'What I deal with might be termed Poetry in Music', Silvestrov states, describing this particular metaphorical style. It is his Meta-Music. (Metamusic is also the title of his symphonic work for orchestra and piano).

Anja Lechner. Photo © Marco Caselli/ECM Records
Very unusual is the instrumentation of Elegy (1999). It needs the genius of Anja Lechner to cope with the two tamtams (those big brass gongs we know from Asian monks). The cellist is sitting on a platform, framed by the tamtams hanging at ear height. While playing her own instrument she has to strike the tamtams, too, so the vibrations of the cello and the swinging brass are mixing Asian style, producing sometimes a rushing sound reminiscent of a flute.
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Copyright © 27 February 2006
Sissy von Kotzebue, Munich, Germany