<< -- 3 -- Maria Nockin IMAGINATIVE ARTISTRY

The role of Butterfly's son, Trouble, was greatly enlarged and ten year old Stephen Cruz, who is a fine actor for his age, played it with emotional directness. Renee Sousa was a charming Kate Pinkerton and she sang with dulcet tones while holding her arms up for almost her entire time on stage. Resident Artists Andrew Wilkowske, Jinyoung Jang and Peter Nathan Foltz showed a high degree of accomplishment in their respective parts of Yamadori, The Commissioner and The Registrar. Sal Malaki, Maryanne Mancini, Donna Marie Covert and Adrien Raynier also proved able in their smaller parts as Cio-Cio-San's relatives.

Marcus Haddock (B F Pinkerton), Peter Blanchet (Goro), Wayne Tiggs (The Bonze) and Patricia Racette (Cio-Cio-San). Photo © 2006 Robert Millard
Conductor Dan Ettinger had a dramatic interpretation of the score and it certainly fit the production. Unfortunately, there was little scenery on stage to throw the voices into the auditorium and there were times when the conductor did not hold the orchestral sound down sufficiently to allow the singers to be heard over the instruments. That was the only flaw in the performance, however. This was an evening for great theater and imaginative artistry, a very worthwhile treat for the residents of the City of the Angels.
Copyright © 26 February 2006
Maria Nockin, Arizona USA