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Piva is essentially a self-produced album. It's an excellent example of the breed, but such projects are inherently limited in the amount of specialist expertise available for all the necessary roles from research to recording to graphic design. Wallace and Knowles have done well in all the important areas but the knowledgeable listener might appreciate more documentation of sources and instruments.

Self-production only became feasible through technological change, and further technological change is gradually removing some of the barriers to its financial viability. It is nice to think that M&V, as a specialist international journal with no economic constraints on readership, might be part of that change.

Piva is an attractive selection of rarely-heard songs. LiveOak's fresh, intimate performance style makes it a particularly approachable introduction to the repertoire.

Copyright © 16 October 2005 Malcolm Tattersall, Townsville, Australia


Piva - renaissance song from Italy and Spain

CD 10032 Stereo FIRST RELEASE 63'37" 2002 gyre music

Duo Live Oak: Nancy Knowles, soprano; Frank Wallace, lute, vihuela, baritone

Anon: Llaman a Teresica (Cancionero de Uppsala c1490); Mateo Flecha/Miguel de Fuenllana: Teresica hermana (1554); Juan del Encina (1468-1530): Tan buen ganadico; Juan Ponce (fl 1510): Como está sola mi vida; Anon: Si d'amor pena sentís (Cancionero Musical de Palacio); Francesco da Milano (1497-1543): Fantasia 84; Anon: De la vida deste mundo (Cancionero de Palacio); Francesco: Ricercar II; Pierre de la Rue (c1460-1518): Tous les regrets; Joan Ambrosio Dalza: Tastar de corde (1508); Bartolomeo Tromboncino (c1470-1535): Per dolor me bagno il viso; Dalza: Tastar de corde; Lupus: Se me grato; Dalza/Tromboncino/Dalza: Recercar dietro/Quasi sempre/Piva; Tromboncino: Ostinato vo seguire; Dalza: Tastar de corde; Philippe Verdelot (c1475-c1552): Si liet e grata morte; Dalza: Tastar de corde; Verdelot: Vita della mia vita; Jacques Arcadelt (c1505-1568): Il bianco e dolce cigno; Francesco/Verdelot: Fantasia 81/Gloriar mi poss'io; Francesco: Fantasia 17; Verdelot: Madonna qual certezza; Verdelot: Benche'l misero cor; Francesco: Recercar 8




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