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To this author, what was particularly exciting about the work was simply the fact that almost never does a new work generate so much pre-première publicity and excitement.
In the case of Doctor Atomic, this is largely due to the subject matter -- being based on a somewhat 'controversial' issue but a 'safe' controversial issue. Not like the one chosen for Adams's Death of Klinghoffer, for which all involved have received continual hatred from both pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian groups.
Also, John Adams's fame and renown is a significant factor. Adams is likely the most performed living American composer and certainly one of the most highly regarded living composers in the world. Not since perhaps Stravinsky or Copland, has the musical life of the country seemed to be so focused and excited about a particular new work from a living composer. This sort of excitement is something that needs to happen more often with new works, as it truly creates an audience atmosphere that makes for a thrilling launch. The audience feels perhaps what it might have been like to be there on the opening night of The Magic Flute or Madame Butterfly, or other canonic operas.
Whether Doctor Atomic becomes a canonic opera remains to be seen, of course, but it certainly has had an auspicious and committed launch and an exciting future performance plan -- to an extent very unusual for new opera.

The bombing of Nagasaki, Japan, by US forces on 9 August 1945. Photo © US Department of Defense
Doctor Atomic was a co-commission from the San Francisco Opera, Lyric Opera of Chicago, and De Nederlandse Opera. Although not part of the commissioning consortium, The Metropolitan Opera in New York City also has committed to producing the work. Further San Francisco performances will take place on 5, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22 October 2005.