<< -- 4 -- Tess Crebbin A PAPAL MUSIC TOUR

If one's interest is organs then the 'organ tour' of Altötting, offered in English or German, is to be recommended. Lasting some 90 minutes, it is guided by Max Brunner, the current resident organist, and includes all the organs at Altötting, with in-depth explanation of their history, use of registers, and organ playing demonstrations by Brunner. At only 65 euros per tour, it is good value for groups of music enthusiasts travelling together through Bavaria.

A student at the Altötting Music School performs a Lied for visiting journalists. Photo © 2005 Philip Crebbin
The next day, we departed for Regensburg for a Sunday morning mass with the traditional Regensburg Domspatzen. We learned that anyone who wishes to make the trip to Regensburg can hear this excellent and world-famous choir live, for they sing at the traditional Sunday Mass in the cathedral, at 10am every Sunday, except during their vacation.
One should not forget that, while visiting all of these places, we were driven through some of the most spectacular countryside imaginable, with rolling hills and impressive mountains, crystal clear lakes and happy cows grazing in lush pastures. It is easy to understand why some of the most wonderful music comes from Bavaria, and why so many famous composers have visited the region, for with countryside like this for inspiration, the musical outcome can only be spectacular.
Further information on tours of musical interest is available from Bavarian Tourist Marketing, The city of Freising, Gut Immling, Altötting Tourist Office (also for bookings of the organ tour) and Regensburg Tourist Information.