Gripping performance
'The Turn of the Screw' -
reviewed by ROBERT ANDERSON'... splendidly captured musically and visually ...'
'The old trees, the thick shrubbery ...' of Henry James's description are omnipresent
in this enthralling production for the spectral figures of Peter Quint and Miss Jessel
to stalk through, headless much of the time only because the cameras concentrate on the
striding legs, moving with such sinister purpose to ensure that in their youthful prey
'The ceremony of innocence is drowned' (these libretto words are actually by Yeats). The
original 1954 production used silhouettes some of the time, and occasionally I feel the
visitations from another world were almost too palpable to give the proper

A scene from Britten's 'The Turn of the Screw'. © 2005 Opus Arte
Not that this is an opera to hear or watch late at night. The gathering tension is
almost unbearable. I have courted sleep by soothing James-Britten with the more kindly
emanations in Dickens's Christmas Carol. A prologue and sixteen scenes are
interlaced with a twelve-note theme and fifteen variations for orchestra alone. The
tone-row is scanned differently each time, so that the screw is progressively turned
and tightened. It is the tautest of Britten's operas, dealing as so often with forces
of corruption, the more terrible for the youth of the victims and the elusive nature
of the evil powers.
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Copyright © 17 March 2005
Robert Anderson, Lebanon