<< -- 2 -- John Bell Young A POETIC APPROACH

In Eric Le Van, one of the most masterful interpreters of Scriabin to
come along in decades, both the mazurka as well as the composer has an
ideal protagonist
[listen -- track 12, 0:00-1:18].
Indeed, Mr Le Van, whose earlier recordings of
Brahms sonatas were also impressive, is a Scriabinist to the manner
born. His playing is always elegant, meticulously adjudicated, and
discreetly inflected. Yet expressive intensity is neither compromised
nor bogged down by Mr Le Van's interpretive specificity. The sheer
wealth of detail in these readings would be enough all by itself to
recommend this disc, but Mr Le Van goes even further, looking behind
the notes to disclose the individual character of each work.
Mr Le Van is not an artist to make a meal of any expressive gesture. On
the contrary, he sees no need to indulge for mere effect the gentle
melancholy and troubled wanderlust of these works. Instead, his approach
is poetic. He gives pause to the underlying suggestiveness of Scriabin's
fragmented, elusive rhythms and metrical cross-currents, which
distinguish these mazurkas from the more straightforward vocabulary of
Chopin. Scriabin's mazurkas, unlike Chopin's, rely less on the
idiosyncrasies of any specific dance form, as much as they codify the
evocation of a mood with whimsical dispatch.
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Copyright © 4 January 2005
John Bell Young, Tampa, Florida, USA