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Editorial Musings with Basil Ramsey

Do we understand 'normality'?

Yet another year speeds to its close, and Easter will then be the day after tomorrow. The illusion of time moving faster than ever is clearly linked to acceptance of the pressures which we increasingly endure in a world obsessed with speed and output. Heaven knows why we accept them as 'normal'. Normality is something we often invent in the conviction that it is obligatory. Rubbish.

Our daily magazine for music lovers is a modest attempt to publish something perceptive about aspects of Music that you may have given less thought to than expected. No pressure is applied to comply: you click the page onwards without further thought, or go elsewhere. At least this facility remains ready day and night, a 'service' that we may take for granted in the wake of this revolution in continuous accessibility that children are born to. They do not regard it as exceptional as we slightly-bemused adults born into a pre-computer age when thinking had marginally more relevance than now.

In its modest way, this daily contribution to musical understanding has now proved itself to the world of music in about 100 countries, and this astonishes us as it may astonish you. Those people anxious to decry the value of the computer in general enlightenment ought to consider such small miracles as entirely beneficial to the world at large.

You are ever welcome to suggest aspects of the vastness of Music awaiting attention for the average reader. The greater the mix of subjects the better our service to the community.

Copyright © 25 December 2004 Basil Ramsey, Yorkshire UK


The Editor and staff of Music & Vision would like to thank all those who have helped us to publish the magazine during 2004. Some of these people and organisations are listed below:

Rolando Villazon      Eric Klug      TDK Mediactive      Jorge Colón      Martin Torp      Wilfried Hösl      Kronberg Academy      George Georgakakos      Sara Henry      Julia Ionides      Deutsche Grammophon      Stephanie Cowell      Sven Helbig      Borjan Canev      Carson Cooman      David Jones      Orion Computer Consultants Ltd      Munich Philharmonic      Reinhardt Werner      Dan Locklair      Verlag Neue Musik      London Concertante      Katarina Soderberg      Celia Ballantyne      Bill Cooper      Kelly Ferjutz      Priory Records Ltd      Chris Christodoulou      Vladislav Kovalsky      Amy Isard      Adriana Soaita      Susan Alcock      Amy Rogers      William Copper      Piers Adams      London Concord Singers      Tall Poppies Records      Nathan J Silverman      Real Sound srl      Fonit Cetra      Steve Zorc      Peter Howell      Yolanda Zumaeta      Jo Carpenter      Stu Rosner      John McCabe      Malcolm Tattersall      Apapaziz Productions      Disques du Solstice      Arena PAL      David Lipp      Barrie Rogers      Royal Scottish National Orchestra      Alfred Frass      Jill Kramer      Royal Northern College of Music      Bill Newman      Sue Reiss      Ana Papakhian      Wiener Staatsoper GmbH      Aulos Musikado      EMI Records Ltd      John Bell Young      

Brian Bumby      Lady Barbirolli      Peter Morgan      Bob Schneider      Kim Stanford      Albany Records      Grant Smith      Rudolf Budja      Janet Hales      Peter Cooper      Daniel Burges      Kristen Theriault      ECM Records GmbH      CPO      Volksoper Wien      Gerard Schurmann      Alan Hedges      Christina O'hart      Alexan Zakyan      Jessica Gould      Alistair Hinton      Katja Brooijmans      Opera Holland Park      Brana Records      Jenny Crossland      Video Arts International      George Vass      Presteigne Festival      University of Alaska      American Composers Forum      Colin Willoughby      HLM Classics      Zeta Soluciones Audiovisuales S L      BEL AIR Media      Anne Kirchbach      Claves Records      Todd Paris      Isidor Records      Mikael Winroth      David Stars      Graz Tourismus      Danielle Woerner      Rastrelli Cello Quartet      Fabrizio Ferrari      Roger Mastroianni      Denis ApIvor      Westdeutcher Rundfunk      Katarina Freiberger      Helen Sims      Stuttgart Marketing GmbH      Circles International      Haenssler Classics      English Touring Opera      Bayerische Rundfunk      Arte Nova Musikproduktions GmbH      Peter Dickinson      Caroline von Reitzenstein      Buxton Festival      Tiberio Snaidero      Jo Ashwell      Violetta Egorova      Sally Burningham      Chika Takeuchi      

Enid Luff      Jens Rötzsch      Chipperfield Photography      Geraldine Buchanan      Keith Saunders      Nonsuch Singers      Vienna Modern Masters      Alastair Muir      Larry A Russell      New Edinburgh Orchestra      Andrew Benson-Wilson      Tamami Honma      harmonia mundi      Jeanne O'Keefe      Thomas Hampson      Naxos Rights International Ltd      Stella Dickinson      Celeste Bacon      Hypovereinsbank      Ivor Bramich      Mike Edwards      Viorel Anton      Jane Cunning      Dutton Laboratories      Angelika Roessler      Medici Classics      Alice McVeigh      Steve Sherman      Simax Classics      Chris Grist      Shirley Bramich      Paul Sarcich      Greg Barns      Gary Hickling      Cala Records Ltd      Jim Robson      Marc Ginot      Adrian Williams      Chesky Records Inc      Matthew O'Sullivan      Sherlock Fortuin      OgreOgress Productions      BMG Ariola Classics GmbH      Richard Partridge      Jonathan Sayles      Arne Winkler      Bayer Records      Martin Berkofsky      Royal College of Music      Ashley Wass      Catriona Chatterley      Ostkreuz      Bettina Pauli      Nick Prag      Karuna Records      Nikky Johnston      People Image      Royal Opera Covent Garden      Patric Standford      Jayang Jung      Lucy Penwarden      Jeff Loughlin      Neil Zaslaw      

Eroica Classical Recordings      I Fagiolini      Sue Johnson      David Bramhall      The late Rev David Thompson      Nicki Marsh      Kornald Music      Jason Starr      Virgin Classics      Gordon Rumson      British Youth Opera      Oberstdorf Tourist Office      Eugenia Papadimas      Daniel Rubinoff      Rika Lino      Lindsay Lozon      David Angell      Tzadik      G Thum      Burning River Brass      Canadian Broadcasting Corporation      Ron Bierman      Victoria Bragin      Primrose Metcalf      Cecilia McDowall      Andrew Eccles      M L Hart      Kate Manning      Garden Opera      Glyndebourne Opera      David Hughes      Annette Wittkopf      Divas Records      Robert Hugill      Decca Music Group Ltd      Bampton Classical Opera      Welsh National Opera      M N Robert      Erin Christman      Zimbel Press     Metier Sound & Vision Ltd      Laurence Lewis      A T Schaefer      Deux-Elles Ltd      Barry Maufe      David Ellis      Christine Strub      Mimi Sterne-Wolfe      ASV Ltd      Abendzeitung München      Holloways Conservatory Furniture      Francisco Jose Martin-Jaime      Marco Borggreve      Fibonacci Sequence      English Chamber Orchestra      Dimo Dimov      Megan Fenselau      Schott Archieve      Victor Company of Japan Ltd      Monica McCabe      TDK Marketing Europe GmbH      Louise Ringrose      Risto Lauriala      

David Stock      Colin Bramich      Frances Godden      Rob Ramsey      Finlandia Records      Belinda Morgan      Grace Lee      Mike Leale      Peter Jaggard      Paul Pollei      Salzburg Festival      Oliver Oppitz      Paul Minotto      Wilfrid Mellers      Fairbanks      Andreas Malkmus      Mark Bramich      Roderic Dunnett      Alexandra Vosding      Robert Anderson      Lucille Phillips      Dvora Lewis      Rebecca Schiffman      Anja Ullrich      Stephen Wright      London Sinfonietta      Blue Pearl Records      Sasha Gusov      Manus Carey      Regine Koerner      Rebecca Davis      Lawrence Budmen      Wolfram Rieger      Cristofori Foundation      Catherine Ashmore      Nicolas Bruant      Bayerische Staatsoper      Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra      Belinda Sykes      Europamusicale      Lutz Sternstein      Yuri Izawa      Royal Philharmonic Orchestra      Harry Heleotis      Shirley Ratcliffe      Eva Fampas      Warner Classics      Malcolm Miller      Lisa Pring      Carolyn Nott      T V Sairam      Maria Nockin      Chandos Records      Philip Crebbin      Iain C Steel      J Scheerder      Libra Records Ltd      Harry Schiffer      Tania Pergamenschikow      Béla Mezey      John Credland      Eugenia Ames      Rai Trade      

Holger Badekow      Kaysh Shinn      J Henry Fair      Mutable Music      Orfeo International Music GmbH      Land's End Chamber Ensemble      Alexander Hawley      Micaela Pittaluga      Norton Paperback Fiction      Jennifer Paull      Annie Burge      Gernsbeck      Emily Darrow      Rita Brameld      Orchestrutopica      James Galway      BIS Records AB      Wolfgang Schnabl      Brian Tarr      Emma Dain      Adrien Cotta      Chris Ford      Clive Barda      Marianna Rashkovetsky      Graham Williams      Mitch Jenkins      Richard Black      John Rusnak      Klaus Rudolph      Jorge Hernan Pelaez      Laszlo Bodor      Peter Wass      Tess Crebbin      Sissy von Kotzebue      Paul Richardson      Danjulo Ishizaka      Robbie Jack      Rex Harley      Green Room Productions      Medici Choir      Meikui Matsushima      Ken Butcher      University of Illinois Press      Ralph Kulling      Tanglewood Festival      David Wilkins      Eric Mahoudeau      Lynsey Docherty      Howard Smith      HNH International Ltd      Sotone Historic Recordings      Linda Litwack      Charlotte Ooi      Longborough Festival Opera      Axel Zeininger      Jeffrey James      DGB Records      Sybille Werner      Helen Gill      T Linwood      ORF      Rhea Kang      Eric Laeskogen      

Finally we would like to wish all our readers the compliments of the season, and invite you to continue visit the magazine each day for something new and hopefully inspiring, each day during the holiday season and beyond.

You shall know the truth and 
the truth will set you free 
based on the Infinite.

Without the infinite we would
not be here to receive any of 
the gifts with which we are all
blessed. Until we are willing to 
open ourselves to the Spirit,
none of these gifts can flow.

In faith this is the simplest of 
things to do, but we have to
learn to sit quietly and let the
spirit channel through us.

I'm sure musicians and people 
who work with the arts realise
that the spirit is the guiding
force in all they do. When you
feel the Spirit this enables you
to seek and find the truth that
makes you free.

a friend


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