Do we understand 'normality'?
Yet another year speeds to its close, and Easter will then be the day
after tomorrow. The illusion of time moving faster than ever is clearly
linked to acceptance of the pressures which we increasingly endure in a
world obsessed with speed and output. Heaven knows why we accept them as
'normal'. Normality is something we often invent in the conviction that
it is obligatory. Rubbish.
Our daily magazine for music lovers is a modest attempt to publish
something perceptive about aspects of Music that you may have given less thought
to than expected. No pressure is applied to comply: you click the page
onwards without further thought, or go elsewhere. At least this facility
remains ready day and night, a 'service' that we may take for granted in
the wake of this revolution in continuous accessibility that children are
born to. They do not regard it as exceptional as we slightly-bemused adults
born into a pre-computer age when thinking had marginally more relevance
than now.
In its modest way, this daily contribution to musical understanding has
now proved itself to the world of music in about 100 countries, and this
astonishes us as it may astonish you. Those people anxious to decry the
value of the computer in general enlightenment ought to consider such small
miracles as entirely beneficial to the world at large.
You are ever welcome to suggest aspects of the vastness of Music
awaiting attention for the average reader. The greater the mix of subjects
the better our service to the community.
Copyright © 25 December 2004 Basil Ramsey,
Yorkshire UK
The Editor and staff of Music & Vision would like to thank all those
who have helped us to publish the magazine during 2004. Some of these people
and organisations are listed below:
Finally we would like to wish all our readers the compliments of the season,
and invite you to continue visit the magazine each day for something new
and hopefully inspiring, each day during the holiday season and beyond. |